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Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC - June 23-25, 2002


Conference for government officials, lawyers, academics, and other leading experts from both the state and Federal levels in the U.S. and from many nations around the world. The extended legal conflict over the 2000 American Presidential Election has heightened interest in election law and procedures not only in the U.S. but around the globe. Speakers will discuss lessons from the 2000 U.S. Presidential election, provide updates on legislation regarding uniform voting and campaign finance reform, report on the efforts by various states to modernize voting practices and procedures, explore issues dealing with discriminatory voting practices, and examine new voting technology and its legal impact. On the International front, the Summit will feature sessions on monitoring of elections, comparative election systems and practices and other key issues.


Facing the Challenges Ahead
Sam Hirsch, Partner, Jenner & Block
Sharon Priest, Secretary of State, Arkansas

Gearing Up for Campaign 2002
Daniel H. Lowenstein, Professor of Law, UCLA Law School; Co-Editor, Election Law Journal
Thomas E. Mann, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Trevor Potter, Partner, Caplin & Drysdale

Redistricting & Reapportionment: Victories and Defeats in Litigation
Sam Hirsch, Partner, Jenner &Block;, Washington, DC
Todd Cox, Asst Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

State and Federal Leaders Press for Funds and Recommend Reforms
Sharon Priest, Secretary of State, Arkansas
Susan Frederick, Director, Law and Justice Committee, National Conference of State Legislators
Tova Wang, Program Officer and Special Counsel, The Century Foundation

Update on Technology of Uniform Voting
Michael Alvarez, Associate Professor of Political Science, Caltech

Campaign Finance Laws: Compliance and Enforcement
Bradley A. Smith, Commissioner, Federal Election Commission
Robert F. Bauer, Chairman, Political Law Group; Partner, Perkins Coie

International Voting Procedures: Comparing Election Systems
Lance F. Gough, President, International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers; Executive Director, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners
Richard W. Soudriette, President, International Foundation for Election Systems

Viability of Internet and Electronic Voting
Paul S. Herrnson, Director, Center for American Politics and Citizenship; Professor of Government and Politics, University of Maryland
William F. Welsh, Chairman, Election Systems & Software
Stephen A. Katsurinis, McGuireWoods LLC

Media Challenges in 2002
Judy Woodruff, CNN Prime Anchor and Senior Correspondent
Roger Cossack, Host, Burden of Proof

Norman J. Ornstein, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
David Cardwell, Principal, The Cardwell Law Group; CNN Commentator

Skyrocketing Cost of State Judicial Elections: Federal Implications for Upcoming Elections
Roy Schotland, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
Hon. Robert Spolzino, New York State Supreme Court Justice, Ninth Circuit

Election Law: A Developing Specialty
Neil P. Reiff, Partner, Sandler & Reiff
Lawrence K. Mandelker, Partner, Kandor, Davidoff, Wolfe, Mandelker & Kass

U.S. Voting Rights
Spencer A. Overton, Acting Professor of Law, University of California, Davies

Business and Special Interest Groups: Changing Roles and New Challenges
Jan Witold Baran, Head, Election Law & Government Ethics; Partner, Wiley, Rein & Fielding

Women and Campaign Finance Reform
Susannah W. Shakow, President and Co-Founder, Women Under Forty Political Action Committee
Karen Regan, Treasurer, Women Under Forty Political Action Committee, and Associate, Varner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand


For more information about exhibiting, sponsoring, or attending the conference, please contact Joanne Gallichio at (914) 834-3100, ext. 629, or by email [email protected]

Fecha Evento
22 y 24 de junio de 2004: Presentaciones en Argentina del libro "Dinero y contienda pol�tico electoral" más info
11 y 12 de diciembre de 2003: Jornadas nacionales sobre reforma politica más info
18 y 19 de Septiembre: "Los Tribunales Electorales en el �mbito del Mercosur", Sede del CARI, Buenos Aires - Rep�blica Argentina. más info
25-31 de marzo de 2003: Evento: Segunda Conferencia de la Organizaci�n Electoral Global - GEO Conference
Lugar: Instituto Federal Electoral, M�xico DF
16-19 de marzo de 2003: Evento: Conferencia internacional: �Financing Democracy in the Americas: Political parties, campaigns and elections�
Lugar: The Carter Center, Emory University, Georgia, EE.UU.
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Informaci�n General Encuestas Electoral An�lisis
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